Born to be Free - Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers seit 1992

Wo wir sind


Unsere Hunde


Über Uns

Wir laden Sie ein uns mit unseren Golden-Mädels und einem ganz besonderen Prachtstück- nämlich unsere Puli-Hündin auf den folgenden Seiten näher kennen zu lernen.

Viel Spass dabei!!

Heike Hofmann-White


Tel.: +49 (0) 9209-9446     

Mob.:+49 (0) 172-989 1837

Unsere Hunde






Am 12. April 2023 hat Paige 5 Rüden und 2 Hündinnen zur Welt gebracht

This is an extract from my new book, "The Slut Goddess".

But it does relate to my dog breeding years.

We take dog breeding very seriously.

Looking after our puppies is an absolute golden rule.

We would never leave them in any other hands no matter how qualified they might seem.

So you might be surprised to learn that when the chance came to go on a "jolly" to the mediterranean in May this last year, even though we had a litter of sick puppies, that we decided it was more opportune to enhance our life and that of our boss (money via commission is important) rather than look after the little ones.

It is just a shame that one of them died two days before the trip. But a small loss is part of the game.....

The book will be published before christmas 2023 by apple e-books and KDP.

Pepsi hat am 16.08.2023 fünf Jungs und drei Mädels zur Welt gebracht!